How Technology Can Benefit a Hospital Code Red Protocol

How Technology Can Benefit a Hospital Code Red Protocol

hospital technologyemergency communication planautomated hospital emergency planpersonalized healthcare solution
Hospital Code Red, Technology Benefits

Hospitals need to handle fires meticulously, and have a solid plan figured out to prevent injury or fatality. They need to make sure that everyone in the hospital is notified of the incident they are facing, while also trying to contain the fire through selective evacuation and closing fire doors. This is why manually activating the alert protocol isn’t as efficient as it could be. In certain cases, an evacuation may be necessary. This requires expedient, accurate coordination between staff members and patients. So how can hospitals avoid the difficulties that come along with a fire incident without creating complications?

SimplyCast presents the Hospital Code Red use case, a personalized solution for handling fires in or around medical facilities. These emergencies can cause substantial stress and pose significant challenges for everyone involved, including finding all staff members' information quickly and ensuring that everyone is kept safe and evacuated where necessary. Automation can manage these situations and help to ensure that the right people are reached, using means of communication which are effective and verifiable.

We have gathered a list of our top 3 benefits of the digital Hospital Code Red solution and are going to give you a brief rundown of each.

The Benefits of a Digital Solution

SimplyCast expected the need for an improved Code Red protocol in hospitals, one that keeps situational knowledge consistent without causing additional steps in the process for staff. When a fire breaks out, it is important to get things done without hesitation and in an organized way without panic. Delivering important information to relevant staff and emergency responders is made much simpler using a pre-established, automated system. There can be numerous benefits to streamlining the response process. These benefits can include making jobs easier for hospital staff, increasing safety, and even making emergency responses quicker and easier. By taking full advantage of the many benefits that automated fire alert systems could provide, hospitals can make sure that their fire plan is both easy to use and quick to act on. This allows administrators and staff to rest assured that the system will contact the right people.

Focus on Patients

Alert message templates are created ahead of time. This templating process helps to ensure all the right information is sent to or requested of staff during the code red. Alerts can include anything relevant to the situation, such as whether an evacuation is necessary, gathering locations, and locations that need to be sealed to protect patients and equipment. By setting up all of this information ahead of time to be launched at the click of a button, staff can focus on the safety and comfort of patients and their families.

Central Staff Registry

A centralized database can be built, containing names and details of those you want to receive notifications when a code red occurs. This data can be easily collected via an online form or integrated from a previous list. This registry helps keep all important information in one place, and readily available for use when an incident occurs.

Effortless Launch

Time is valuable during any hospital emergency, so this automated launch allows for quick and convenient communication. All it takes is the press of a button to send out word to other staff members, informing them of the code red situation.


Why SimplyCast?

That’s the summary of what it takes to create a digital solution for a hospital code red, and it’s only scratching the surface of what is possible when it comes to using automated technology to handle a hazardous spill.

The SimplyCast platform is a no-code platform that allows anyone to build and edit their solution. As a result, this solution is fully customizable, it can be tweaked or altered to meet the exact needs of every institution.

Don’t worry about scalability and security! SimplyCast is an ISO 27001:2013-certified company with data centers in the USA and Canada. This means we can assure you that your confidential data is safe on our secure server and the messages you transmit are completely encrypted. Our platform has the capacity to send 100,000+ messages every hour and allows 10,000+ concurrent sessions. We can also acquire additional gateways and servers if you need them.

Most importantly, we have a 99.5% minimum uptime. With our solution, you can have peace of mind.


Don’t wait! Our experts are ready to give you a one-on-one demo to explain how this solution works. Let them know you’re looking at OUC106, Hospital Code Red when your demo begins.

Simply request a demo by clicking the button below and let us show you how our solution can help you manage your code red protocol more effectively.

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